Nowadays, testers have many opportunities to prove themselves. Testers have a very important role due to increasing customer expectations and unexpected failures of new technologies. To keep pace with the ever-growing demand for new skills, then you have to grasp the essential purpose of testers.
- Testers must carefully consider every detail, careful not to miss any detail. Because it is possible, just missing a small detail, clue, the project will not be solved or even wrongly solved.
- Testers always want the most perfect product and the least error before delivering it to consumers.
- Testers need to study the problem before starting to work, then come up with a development plan and solve it.
The main objective of Software Testing is as follows
- Find bugs created by devs when coding.
- Gain confidence and provide quality level information.
- To prevent errors.
- Ensure that the end result meets the business and user requirements.
- To gain the trust of customers by providing them with a quality product.
- Software testing helps to perfect software applications or products against business and user requirements. It is very important to ensure good testing to test the software application completely and make sure it works well and according to the specifications.
The test coverage of test cases should be well designed with the maximum possibility of finding bugs efficiently and calculated as the number of bugs reported for each test case.
Test the software to make sure the testing is done properly and the system is ready for use. Testing covers different areas such as: functionality of applications, compatibility of applications with different operating systems, hardware and types of browsers, test execution to test Check the performance of the application to ensure that the system is reliable and free of hiccups or that there should be no problems getting in the way. Determine that the application can be deployed easily to the computer and without any problems. Hence the app is easy to install, learn and use.
- Software testing allows to make objective judgments about the suitability of the system to stated requirements and specifications.
- Testing confirms that the system meets various requirements including: functionality, performance, reliability, safety, usability and so on. This validation is done to ensure that we are building the right system.
- Validate to make sure the right system is being built. In addition to helping decision making, the information from software testers helps in risk management.
So what is the purpose of testers?
1. The first purpose is to find product defects
The main job of a tester is to find bugs, but it is not the only purpose. However, it is not advisable to just encapsulate and end the work at the stage of finding errors. It is necessary to expand the work limit by re-evaluating the error, its severity, and classifying it to work with the developer to come up with the best solution for the product. Software testing to check and confirm that the product meets the stated requirements/specifications.
2. Error prevention is more important than finding fault
You will ask why testers prevent bugs. Yes, that was also my first thought. Prevention is in the developer, right? But no, when I test a product, I need to understand the product, understand the details, and be specific to be able to test that product properly. During the test, I will encounter similar errors but arise in different cases. Especially if it’s the same developer, it’s easy to understand the bug generation mechanism. From there, report to the dev to come up with a solution to prevent the bug from repeating in the next products.
The most important thing is to never assume that the error is gone. Minimizing the generation of errors as well as ensuring the product has the least serious errors before being delivered to consumers. The idea that the product is out of error will make you subjective without paying attention to the details. That’s why I liken a tester to an investigator.